Saturday, April 14, 2012

Mandatory Loss Leaders Travel North Of The Border

By William F. Jones

Recent litigation in the United States has examined issues relating to franchise systems imposing price ceilings on items sold by franchisees, even when those ceilings mandate that items are sold at a loss.  In a notable case, National Franchisee Association v. Burger King Corp., the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida in 2010 affirmed the right of Burger King to impose a $1 price ceiling on its “Buck Double”  cheeseburger, even though the cost to franchisees producing that cheeseburger were higher than $1.  Essentially, the court agreed with Burger King’s argument that enforcing such price ceilings is a reasonable strategy to draw in other customers in to purchase higher price items, essentially acting as a “loss leader” to benefit overall store sales.

This legal precedent for allowing franchisors to enforce maximum, below-cost price ceilings appears to have migrated north of the border.  Recently, an association of Tim Horton’s franchisees filed a class action against the franchisor requirement that franchisees sell lunch item menus for less than cost.  Echoing the holding in the Burger King case, the Canadian court embraced Tim Horton’s arguments that the applicable analysis involves the overall profitability of the franchise store, rather than the individual profitability of a single item.  The court found that it was commercially reasonable for Tim Horton’s to adopt and enforce a strategy on its franchisees to use below cost lunch menu item as a loss leader to bring in customers and create additional profit on other items.

The adoption of the “loss leader” concept in the context of maximum price ceilings in the Canadian courts may demonstrate a trend towards greater franchisor control and discretion and the pricing of specified menu items system-wide.